1818 Aliso Canyon Road New Cuyama CA 93254 MLS #25477183

  1. ca
  2. new-cuyama
>>>>>alt=”1818 Aliso Canyon Road [0]” >alt=”1818 Aliso Canyon Road [1]” >alt=”1818 Aliso Canyon Road [2]” >alt=”1818 Aliso Canyon Road [3]” >alt=”1818 Aliso Canyon Road [4]” >
312+ Acre Oil Producing Property with Lease and 50% of mineral rights. Leased and operated by E&B (fully bonded and insured). Paved access, 17+- oil wells producing and paying royalties with oil prices high and rising. Trailing 12mo royalties average 2000/mo… trending higher. *Outside of the Cuyama water basin management area *good water profiles for well (over 200gpm according to geologist) *E&B Resources is the operator of the oil wells, they have bonds and insurance w/county so there are NO liability issues w/any future cleanup. *They are increasing production and more wells may com back online as oil prices/demand is strong. *This property is the key for their oil production. Tank farm and center of the arco field. *Good dove quail and 4wd

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Parking Spots
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